Spice Board Certification


Getting permission from the Spice Board of India is essential for those who wish to start a business exporting spices from India. It is obtained by getting the Spice Board Registration or Certificate of Registration as Exporter of Spices (CRES).

Why CRES in India?

India is a land of spices. Even before India’s spirituality started to hold the world’s attention, the smell of our spices made people come and conquer our golden sparrow. But as times have changed and India has become a global player in spices, the business of exporting spices has become incredibly profitable for many.

To cater to those who wish to start a business exporting spices and to oversee that the exporting business is not exploited in a fraudulent manner, the Spice Board of India issues Spice Board Registration. Technically, the term is called CRES or the Certificate of Registration as Exporter of Spices.

Need help with CRES??

To acquire Spice Board of India Registration, one must undergo the necessary procedure. And to undertake that procedure, you need the assistance of experts who know about it. BRITSI has a team of business consultants, CAs, Lawyers, and more who know the nuances from filing the spice board registration application form to helping you obtain the Spice Board certificate renewal.

Eligibility Criteria for Spice Board Registration

The Eligibility Criteria to obtain Spice Board Registration in India consists of the following:

  1. Your ID proofs should be legitimate.
  2. You must be an India-based business entity.
  3. There should be no criminal record against the partners/directors of your business entity.

Documents Required for Spice Board Registration

Spices Board registration documents: For the exporter registration for spices, the following are the required documents:

Documents required by the Merchant category exporter

  1. Import Export Code
  2. PAN Card
  3. GST Certificate
  4. Confidential bank Report showing the net worth of the company
  5. Certificate of Incorporation/Partnership Deed/MOA – AOA
  6. List of Directors/partners and their contact information.
  7. If the company authorizes the applicant to file the application, then an authorization letter authorizing that applicant is also needed.

Documents required by the Manufacturer category exporter

  1. Import Export Code
  2. PAN Card
  3. GST Certificate
  4. Confidential bank Report showing the net worth of the company
  5. If the company authorizes the applicant to file the application, then an authorization letter authorizing that applicant is also needed
  6. Certificate of Incorporation/Partnership Deed/MOA – AOA
  7. List of Directors/partners and their contact information.
  8. MSME registration
  9. FSSAI/ Pollution Control Board Certificate
  10. Lease deed or rent agreement in case the manufacturing premise is on lease or rent
  11. Note the spices board registration fees would be different for both categories.   

Process of obtaining the Spice Board Registration in India

This section gives you an answer to the question of how to apply spice board certificate.

Before knowing the procedure, know that two types of applicants have to file for Spice Board Online Registration.

Merchant category of Exporter

Manufacturer category of Exporter

For obvious purposes, the entire process hinges on the application for spice board registration. That being said, the detailed description of the spice board registration form is as follows (Note: the procedure shall remain the same for both kinds of applicants):

Online Procedure: The entire process of Spice Board registration is online. Thus, there is no need to submit a physical copy of the application.

Online Application Filing: Any prospective exporter can file the online application via the official website of the Spice Board of India.

Submitting the Necessary Details:When starting to file the application, the applicant must enter the following details:

  1. Import-Export Code
  2. A Valid Email ID
  3. Mobile No.
  4. OTP from the SPI portal: You’ll acquire a one-time password that you will use to precede with filing the application for Spice Board of India certificate. Care must be taken when inputting the details in the applications, especially regarding the IE code. The grant of CRES is done via the Import and Export code.
  5. Upload the furnished documents: Once the application form has been filled out, the applicant will be directed to the documents page. There, he must upload the documents required for spice board registration.
  6. Pay the Registration Fee: After the application has been drafted and reviewed, the applicant can pay the spice board registration fees via online mode and submit the application.
  7. Application Assessment: The application will be assessed thoroughly. In the meantime, it’s highly recommended that the applicant keeps a check on the Spices Board application status. They can quickly deal with discrepancies quickly by being up to date with the spice board registration status.  
  8. Rectify Issues with the Application: In case it’s found about checking the Spice board registration status that there are indeed some issues, the applicant must do all in their power to rectify them.
  9. Premise Inspection during the Assessment Period; during the application assessment, the Spice Board of India will send an official to inspect the applicant’s premises.
  10. Grant of CRES Registration Certificate: If there are no discrepancies in the application, the Spice Board Certificate for export is granted within 10 working days after application submission. If there are issues, they will be granted 10 days after the applicant resolves them.
  11. Periodically check for License Renewal: Once the applicant gets the certificate, he will retain it until the spice board registration validity ends. As such, the spice board certificate validity is for one block, which in the organization’s terms, is 3 years.

Our Assistance in getting the Spice Board Registration

The lengthy process of Spice Board Certificate registration might demotivate many from going through the process. However, as experts in all things legal and corporate, BRITSI aspires not to let that happen. Contact us for your registration needs, and we will assist you in:

  1. Filing the application
  2. Preparing the documents, and
  3. Conducting a thorough follow-up so that you can get the registration on time
  4. Going even further, the experts will also help you with the spices board registration/renewal query. So, if you want to export spices, make a wise choice.

Choose BRITSI. Start filing the application today.


Briefly explain the spice board registration procedure.

Just as the name is heavy, so is the spice registration procedure. As a legal procedure, the Spices Board registration procedure is quite complex. So for your convenience, we have detailed the entire registration procedure in the process section of this web page for your reference. You can also connect with the SBI experts at BRITSI for more information.

What are the documents required for spice board registration?

The documents required for spices board registration are as follows:

  1. Import Export Code
  2. PAN Card
  3. GST Certificate
  4. Confidential bank Report showing the net worth of the company
  5. Certificate of Incorporation/Partnership Deed/MOA – AOA
  6. List of Directors/partners and their contact information.
  7. If the company authorizes the applicant to file the application, then an authorization letter authorizing that applicant is also needed.

What is Spices Board Registration?

Getting permission from the Spice Board of India is essential for those who wish to start a business exporting spices from India. It is obtained by getting the Spice Board Registration or Certificate of Registration as Exporter of Spices (CRES).

How to apply for Spice Board Certificate in India?

Just as the name is heavy, so is the spice registration procedure. As a legal procedure, the Spices Board registration procedure is quite complex. So for your convenience, we have detailed the entire registration procedure in the process section of this web page for your reference. You can also connect with the SBI experts at BRITSI for more information.

How to get a spice board certificate in India?

Just as the name is heavy, so is the spice registration procedure. As a legal procedure, the Spices Board registration procedure is quite complex. So for your convenience, we have detailed the entire registration procedure in the process section of this web page for your reference. You can also connect with the SBI experts at BRITSI for more information.

What is the Spices Board Registration fee?

To know more about the Spice Board of India registration fees, connect with the SBI experts with the BRITSI. We have an array of seasoned registration experts at our disposal who can cater to your needs regarding the Spices Board registration.

What is the eligibility for the Spice Board of India registration?

For online Spice Board Registration, eligibility criteria consist of the following:

  1. Your ID proofs should be legitimate.
  2. You must be an India-based business entity.
  3. There should be no criminal record against the partners/directors of your business entity.

What are the required documents for the Spice Board Certificate for export?

Required documents are as follows:

  1. Import Export Code
  2. PAN Card
  3. GST Certificate
  4. Confidential bank Report showing the net worth of the company
  5. If the company authorizes the applicant to file the application, then an authorization letter authorizing that applicant is also needed
  6. Certificate of Incorporation/Partnership Deed/MOA – AOA
  7. List of Directors/partners and their contact information.
  8. MSME registration
  9. FSSAI/ Pollution Control board Certificate
  10. Lease deed or rent agreement in case the manufacturing premise is on lease or rent

Where can I download the spices board certificate?

To download the spice board registration certificate, visit the Spices Board official website. For more, connect with the SBI experts with the BRITSI. We have an array of seasoned registration experts at our disposal who can cater to your needs regarding the Spices Board registration.

Is a spice board license for spice exporters?

Yes, the spice board license is for the spice exporters.

What is the validity of the spice board registration certificate?

The validity of the spice board registration certificate is three years.

What is the Spices Board Membership fee?

To know about the Spices Board Membership fee, connect with the SBI experts with the BRITSI. We have an array of seasoned registration experts at our disposal who can cater to your needs regarding the Spices Board registration.

What is the spice board RCMC registration fee?

To know about the Spices Board RCMC registration fee, connect with the SBI experts with the BRITSI. We have an array of seasoned registration experts at our disposal who can cater to your needs regarding the Spices Board registration.

Where can I log in to my spice board registration account?

Visit the official portal on the SPI website, and enter the login credentials received on your mobile phone or email to log in to your SPR account. If the account is not registered, sign in for the SPR exporter’s account.

Explain the Indian Spices Export procedure for registration.

Just as the name is heavy, so is the spice registration procedure. As a legal procedure, the Spices Board registration procedure is quite complex. So for your convenience, we have detailed the entire registration procedure in the process section of this web page for your reference. You can also connect with the SBI experts at BRITSIfor more information.

What is the online spice border exporter certificate fee?

For the online spice border exporter certificate fee, connect with the SBI experts with the BRITSI. We have an array of seasoned registration experts at our disposal who can cater to your needs regarding the Spices Board registration.

What is the procedure for spices board registration renewal?

Once the applicant gets the certificate, he will retain it until the spice board registration validity ends. As such, the spice board certificate validity is for one block, which in the organization’s terms, is 3 years. To know the renewal procedure, connect with the SBI experts with the BRITSI. We have an array of seasoned registration experts at our disposal who can cater to your needs regarding the Spices Board registration.

How to start a spice export business in India?

Spices Board Certificate: Just as the name is heavy, so is the spice registration procedure. As a legal procedure, the Spices Board registration procedure is quite complex. So for your convenience, we have detailed the entire registration procedure in the process section of this web page for your reference. You can also connect with the SBI experts at BRITSIfor more information.

How to import spices from India?

You can visit the Spices Board of India’s official website to refer to their list of registered spice exporters with their contact details.

Where can I get the spices board members list?

Visit the official website of the Spices Board of India to download the Exporter’s list.

Where can I log in for my spices board account?

Visit the official portal on the SPI website, and enter the login credentials received on your mobile phone or email to log in to your SPR account. If the account is not registered, sign in for the SPR exporter’s account.

What is the spices board registration/renewal procedure in India?

Once the applicant gets the certificate; he will retain it until the spice board registration validity ends. As such, the spice board certificate validity is for one block, which in the organization’s terms, is 3 years. To know the renewal procedure, connect with the SBI experts with the BRITSI. We have an array of seasoned registration experts at our disposal who can cater to your needs regarding the Spices Board registration.

How to export spices from India?

To export spices in India, you need to get the Spices Board certificate. Just as the name is heavy, so is the spice registration procedure. As a legal procedure, the Spices Board registration procedure is quite complex. So for your convenience, we have detailed the entire registration procedure in the process section of this web page for your reference. You can also connect with the SBI experts at BRITSI for more information.

What is the validity of the spice board certificate in India?

As mentioned on the Indian Spices Board official website, the validity of the SPR certificate is three years.

Where can I find the Spice Board of India exporters list?

Visit the official website of the Spices Board of India to download the Exporter’s list.

Is the spices board situated in Kochi?

Yes, Spices Board is headquartered in Kochi. There is also a Spices Board Auction held in Kochi.

What are the documents required to export spices from India?

To get the FSSAI license for the Spices Dealer License application, the applicant must file the required documentation along with the application. To know more, refer to the document section of this web page.

How to get the spice certification from the Spices Board in Kerala?

Just as the name is heavy, so is the spice registration procedure. As a legal procedure, the Spices Board registration procedure applicable in Kerala is quite complex. So for your convenience, we have detailed the entire registration procedure in the process section of this web page for your reference. You can also connect with the SBI experts at BRITSI for more information.

Where to apply for the intimation login for spices board sampling?


Where can I download the manual for Spice Board Of India pdf?

From the official website of SPI

Is there a Spice Board office in Mumbai?

Yes, there are multiple branch offices of the Spices Board in India, such as the Kerala Spices Board and Spices Board Chennai. Along the same lines, we have Spice Board Office in Mumbai and the RCMC registration in Delhi.

What is the logo of the Spice Board of India?

It is a drawing of a ship sailing through the Indian Ocean in a circular frame. Visit the official website to see the logo.

What is the spices board contact number?

Visit the official website to get contact numbers of Regional Offices.

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